Join RallyCats!
Being a member of RallyCats offers the average UC student a plethora of benefits at little to no cost to the individual. Some perks include:
There is no membership fee! RallyCats is FREE to any and every UC student including undergrad, graduate, and doctoral students!
Opportunities to meet and network with student-athletes, coaches, and University administrators!
Make friends! Collegiate sports is one of the best ways to create bonds and form friendships, even from the stands!
RallyCats members get priority access to our nationwide bus trips which typically sell out in minutes.
Play your favorite sports! Not only does RallyCats have intramural teams that compete in flag football, basketball, and more, they also practice with the varsity athletes annually!
As one of the largest organizations on campus, RallyCats provides excellent networking opportunities to make friends or meet your future employer!
Attending games and other RallyCats events allows members to accrue points which can later be used to redeem awesome prizes!
RallyCats holds frequent social events for members as well as mixers with organizations like the UC Band, Cheer team, Dance team, and more!
Make your voice heard! RallyCats is recognized as the official student voice in all things involving Bearcats Athletics!
RallyCats provides leadership positions with as much or as little commitment as you're looking to have! Many previous exec members have gone on to hold major positions on campus at UC and work at Fortune 500 companies including Google, Procter & Gamble, and more!
How to Join
Joining RallyCats is easy! There are no membership fees, and no mandatory events. Just show up to any game or RallyCats approved event, sign in, and you'll gain points you can redeem for cool prizes and experiences down the road! There are 3 steps to joining:
Get connected! Sign up for our news letter, the RallyCall. The RallyCall comes out every Wednesday and keeps both our members and other UC students informed on what's happening with UC athletics. You can find the sign up form here! We also recommend that you follow us on twitter, @UCRallyCats, where we blast important information that is more relevant on a day to day basis. Tweet at us! Finally, ask to join our Slack group, where we post important info for members on a daily basis.
Come to Meetings! RallyCats holds regular meetings during the Fall and Spring semesters, where members come together to meet student-athletes and coaches, make signs and discuss other gameday affairs, play games, and more! Check out our calendar page to see when the next general body meeting is!
Be a RallyCat! RallyCats live their daily lives as advocates for UC athletics and the University as a whole. Come to games and be active on campus to help make UC the best it can be!